Friday, February 23, 2007

Cats, Books, Life is Good

Winter nights the pride tends to gather and cuddle up. There hasn't been a whole lot to write about lately. The mouse score stands at Harper and Ramona 4, Mice 0. Must be a home team advantage.

Ramona got inspired after watching 2 reruns of Miami CSI every night. She signed up for an online course at ITT Tech and just got her license as an MSI, Mouse Scene Investigator. I hear her telling Harper to "send that to Trace". The mice should have the sense to move on and pursue their criminal activities somewhere else. Like Miami.

Brendan is fine. He has discovered Max Cat Gourmet and I order it by the case from Petco. He loves the Duck Stew and the Seafood Bsique with tomato. He demands 3 to 5 warm wet meals every day, laced with Glucosamine and MSM and the Chinese herbs he gets for his kidneys. Brendan has also been getting chiropractic treatments and acupuncture. He's moving much better and even gets frisky. For an old fella he's in great form.

This morning Brendan was taking a nice warm bath when I heard a desperate cry at the door, "Let me in!". I had moved the upstairs facilities in there because we have company and Harper needed to get in the room in a hurry.

Brendan came out to assist me with bookkeeping in my office and now he's being very purry next to me. He has been checking the air for spring but he says it isn't here yet.

I have been plowing through my projects. One video just needs a few edits, two TV spots to finish and one which isn't started and then an audio tour script that has to be written and recorded and duplicated on cd by spring. I am up to chapter seven on my book rewrites, trying to decide if going to a writers day is worth it to get five minutes with an editor. And we are waiting to hear if we are going on a video shoot in France in June, studying French just in case.

Oh yes, it is almost time to start some tomatoes. The cherries we put in pots last year did very well.

Miaou to all. Hope you are well all over the world. I'm sorry I haven't been writing more but life has just been too darn peaceful.


The Meezers or Billy said...

yep, mommy says she's gonna start her "red currant 'matos" next week.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Understandable ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO

Shaggy and Scout said...

We love your stories of daily life with the pride. How I wish mine would pin me down like in your picture! Mine lay at the end of the bed on the corners, like gargoyles.

Gemini said...

Momma is glad that the herbs and stuff are helping Brendan. She says she hasn't had real good luck with acupuncture and herbs for the cats. She likes homeopathy better--of course most naturopathic vets find out she's an acupuncturist and then expect her to understand how to dose herbs and needle her cats herself...

DK & The Fluffies said...

Oh my that big chair looks comfy! Room for another kitty?