No more dog photos because this is, after all, a cat blog. I added Tilly and Toby to the flag which will go on display at the shelter and I will add a photo of it with its purple ribbon given to all team members. I think our total for the team was 1750.00 which is pretty good if you ask me for a first time team. The Power Paws came in at 5.334.00 but they are experienced and well connected. Ramona wasn't at all disappointed at not winning, she likes the purple ribbon.
The whole even brought in more than 24,000. It was a lot of work but a lot of dogs had a lot of fun. It is funny to see that the dogs really enjoy all getting together. I only saw a couple of short disagreements.
Bruce, the blind pitbull from the shelter was there with his person who adopted him and it was wonderful to see how happy and relaxed he was. He couldn't see all the commotion around him but he was having a great time and Jean obviously loves him and he knows that.
I have added Tilly and Toby from MA to the flag and Gabby and Katie. I will soon be back in the photo blogging mode but I am really trying to finish up my shelter video. Olof is in Sweden and right now should be on his plane back, which he emailed to say was going to be two to three hours late. And my mom was here visiting for the last ten days or so (she actually came to see Harper, Ramona and Brendan, but I happen to be here too), so our days were full of just visiting, going out and watching movies at night. She put in a lot of hours taking on a big task that I am thrilled about, she took the huge pile of shelter news clippings and put them in the large books I had bought for that purpose.
Just in time for the Fryeburg Fair, where the shelter has a booth.
Brendan is sitting here purring, he knows his own person will be home soon. He always knows.
The little guys have a new toy. The cat door. It is open to the enclosed yard and they learned it quickly. Big excitement yesterday when a chipmunk was spied on the other side of the fence and Harper pushed his way under it. I have weighed it down and will pin it down but for now I am keeping an eye on their antics.