Dancer has received the funds for his surgery and the shelter will be calling tomorrow to make an appointment for him. He's not out of the woods yet but he will have a chance thanks to all of you who donated and the shelter.
Extra special thanks to the person (you know who you are) who made this possible for this special little guy.
We're all rooting for him!
Yay Dancer!! We're so happy for you. Be brave and know that this might be skary but it's gonna mean you can feel better and get a reeely good FUREVER home someday soon!!
Finny Buddy & Jasmine
YIPPEEEE!!!!!! We will continue to purr and pray for Dancer!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
From all the descriptions, it sounds like Dancer has a congenital condition called a portosystemic shunt. (I'm obviously not 100% positive since I can't actually examine her, but the clinical signs and pathology described are text book for hepatic encephalopathy, a neurological condition that is a result of a portosystemic shunt.)
Here is a link with a short description for cat owners about "Max", a cat with a shunt who had surgery: http://www.fabcats.org/owners/portosystemic_shunt/case.html
I hope Dancer's recovery goes well.
Dearest Dancer,
We is so very happy for you! We just know you is gonna feel all better real soon. Mommy's eyes got all leaky when she first telled us 'bout you. See our big sister, Lucy, had a sick liver, too. Her troubles was different from yours...she had liver cancer. There wasn't no operation that could help her. She went to heaven back in September. We miss her lots. Whenever we hear 'bout a little person with a liver that ain't quiverin' right, we always think of her and how much we miss her.
Just know that you gots friends all 'round the world that is sayin' lotsa prayers for you. And very very VERY soon, you is gonna have a very special home that is all yours.
We love you, Dancer!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
Yay for Dancer.
We are VERY VERY happy to hear these good news!!!
Emil and Mrs. OZ
Dancer - We could not be happier for you!!! It's so exciting that you're gonna be a well and happy kitteh! The Ceiling Kitteh will bless "Anonymous" many times over!!
Get well real quick,
Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
This was wonderful news! We are so happy for Dancer and all those who have been trying to get help for him. We hope his surgery is successful!
Congratulations!!! I am very happy that Dancer may go on to many kitty years....The little one sure deserves it! And thank you to anonymous for making this happen!! You are blessed and will be forever!!
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