Saturday, January 14, 2006

Happier Days

Three photos from happier days. Fergus loved to go outside anywhere, anytime. At home he had his "license" to go out. In Portland I took him for walks on a harness. He loved to see the harness come out and he would get very happy ( he was usually happy so he went into happy overdrive) and he would play with the harness and wave his paws around. I would roll him around and play with him and then we'd get up and he would head for the door, tail way up as you can see in the pictures.

1 comment:

Carolina Cats said...

He looks so happy and relaxed! Finny loves the harness too and gets excited when he sees it, but Buddy wants nothing to do with it.

I'm so glad you have lots of photos and happy memories of Fergus. He'll be with you always.

Nora, Finny & Buddy